Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Is it the Fall?

When it comes to getting dressed, Autumn and the colder months in general are all about layers. Playing with them can give us a cosy sensation and they obviously keep us nice and warm. I also love the visual effect it provides. For my stroll around Liverpool Street, I chose to wear white and brown, which I think are perfect for the chillier Autumn days.

A la hora de componer nuestros looks, los meses de frío se prestan mucho al uso de “capas”, que nos aportan esa sensación acogedora y de abrigo. Personalmente, me encanta esa sensación y el efecto visual que tiene. Para mi paseo por Liverpool Street eche mano de los colores blanco y marron, que a mi parecer evocan a estos dias de otoño.

Jacket: Zara
Jeans: Zara
T-Shirt: Stradivarius
Scarf: R-38
Boots: Ulanka